
Traveling Book Lover is LIVE!

I am mentally throwing a ton of confetti everywhere because my new site is finally live!! As some of you might know I’m beginning my journey studying abroad in London on January 13th until the beginning of May, and then I’ll fly back to Boston for graduation and I have never been more excited.It iso officially my last semester of university this Spring and then I’ll be off to do I DON’T KNOW WHAT but that’s okay…we aren’t going to think about that right now because the future is slightly scary and far away ~hehe~

Anyway, I knew that while abroad I would want a space to record stories, thoughts, all my favorite coffee shops, restaurants, travel recs., etc. I’m really not going to restrict my posts on here because I want to be able to post whatever I want, but I also want to know what you want to read about (travel itinerary? food? nightlife? let me know!) or hit me up if you have any recs for me!

I’ll try to update with posts every week once I’m abroad, but if that’s not a possibility you can definitely keep up with me on my Instagram where I’ll be posting very frequently! 

Thank you for all the love and support! xx

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